PEController BSP v4
Board Support Package for PEController from Taraz Technologies
No Matches

Defines the parameters for grid-tie controller.

Public Attributes

bool isBoostEnabled
 Current state of the boost controller.
bool isRelayOn
 Current state of the control relays.
bool isInverterEnabled
 Current state of the grid tie inverter.
float vdc
 DC link voltage.
float iRef
 Constant reference current for output.
 Phase voltage coordinates.
 Phase current coordinates.
pi_compensator_t iQComp
 Compensator for Q value of DQ transform for grid currents.
pi_compensator_t iDComp
 Compensator for D value of DQ transform for grid currents.
pll_lock_t pll
 PLL structure used by the grid tie controller.
inverter3Ph_config_t inverterConfig
 Output inverter configuration.
independent_pwm_config_t boostConfig [BOOST_COUNT]
 Boost configuration for developing DC link.
uint16_t boostDiodePin [BOOST_COUNT]
 Pin no of the switches acting as diode.
float VbstSet
 Boost set point voltage.
float tempIndex
 Temporary variable.