PEController BSP v4
Board Support Package for PEController from Taraz Technologies
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pll_lock_t Struct Reference

Defines the parameters required by the PLL.

Public Attributes

 Grid voltage coordinates in different coordinate systems.
pi_compensator_t compensator
 PI compensator for Q adjustment.
pll_info_t info
 PLL info internaly used by the system.
pll_states_t status
 Current status of PLL.
pll_states_t prevStatus
 Previous cycle status of PLL.
float qLockMax
 Maximum value of Q. If in a cycle defined by cycleCount the value remains less than this value the PLL will be considered locked.
float dLockMin
 Minimum value of D. If in a cycle defined by cycleCount the value remains greater only than the PLL locking will be enabled.
float dLockMax
 Maximum value of D. If in a cycle defined by cycleCount the value remains smaller only than the PLL locking will be enabled.
int cycleCount
 If the PLL remains lock for this many control loops than it will be considered locked.
float expectedGridFreq
 Expected grid frequency