Contains the declaration and procedures for different transformations.
Following is the list of available transformations
- Clarke Transformation: Transform_abc_alBe0() with source = SRC_ABC
- Inverse Clarke Transformation: Transform_abc_alBe0() with source = SRC_ALBE0
- Park Transformation: Transform_alphaBeta0_dq0() with source = SRC_ALBE0
- Inverse Park Transformation: Transform_alphaBeta0_dq0() with source = SRC_DQ0
- Clarke + Park Transformation: Transform_abc_dq0() with source = SRC_ABC
- Inverse Clarke + Inverse Park Transformation: Transform_abc_dq0() with source = SRC_DQ0
- Theta to Trigonometric Values: Transform_wt_sincos()
- Theta to 0 - 2pi Range: Transform_Theta_0to2pi()
- Theta Shift to 0 - 2pi Range: ShiftTheta_0to2pi()