Contains the declaration and procedures relating the supporting timer modules (HRTIM Master, TIM2, TIM3).
The following timers can be configured using this support package.
- HRTIM Master: This timer can be used to control the timing of the PWM channels 1-10. The timing units of this timer can be used to reset these PWMs at required times; thus generating the possibility of creating phase shifted PWMs. The operation mechanics of relevant timers are described below:
- TIM2 (Fiber Rx For Slave Operation): This timer can be configured to trigger a reset on all PWM channels on a rising or falling edge at the Fiber Rx connector.
- TIM3 (Fiber Tx For Master Operation): This timer can be configured to trigger a reset on a slave PEController by connecting it to the Fiber Rx pin of the slave controller.
- Other timers: These timers can act as master/slave timers to other timers/events.
The following list describes the operating mechanics for the relevant timers.
- HRTIM Master: BSP_MasterHRTIM_Config() can be used to configure the HRTIM Master timer for synchronization with timer 1 as well as HRTIMA-HRTIME. BSP_MasterHRTIM_SetShiftValue() and BSP_MasterHRTIM_SetShiftPercent() can then be used to change the instance of trigger occurance for each compare unit.
- TIM2: BSP_TIM2_ConfigFiberRx() can be used to initialize the TIM2 in slave mode using the fiber Rx pin. It can be configured to produce a trigger output event at occurance of a rising or falling edge.
- TIM3: BSP_TIM3_ConfigFiberTx() can be used to initialize the TIM3 in master mode where it generates a PWM at fiber Tx pin. The width of the PWM can also be selected via this function. This can be used to synchronize with other PEControllers by connected to the Fiber-Rx (TIM2) pin and configuring them as slaves. BSP_TIM3_FiberTxStart() starts the TIM3 with optional synching of HRTIM.
- Other timers: Use BSP_Timer_SetInputTrigger() and BSP_Timer_SetOutputTrigger() to set the trigger characteristics of other timers.