Contains the declaration and procedures relating the base PWM drivers.
The PWM channels can be configured in individual / inverted pair form
- Individual PWM:
To configure the channel for Individual PWM use BSP_PWM_ConfigChannel(). Once configured the duty cycle of the relevant channel can be updated by the function BSP_PWM_UpdateChannelDuty().
- Inverted Pair PWM:
To configure the channel for Individual PWM use BSP_PWM_ConfigInvertedPair(). Once configured the duty cycle of the relevant channels can be updated by the function BSP_PWM_UpdatePairDuty().
The output of the PWM timers can be controlled using the following functions
- BSP_PWM_Start: Starts the PWM on required PWM pins
- BSP_PWM_Stop: Stops the PWM on required PWM pins
- BSP_PWMOut_Enable: Enable / disable the output for required PWM channels
- BSP_PWM_Config_Interrupt: Enable / Disable interrupt for a PWM channel as per requirement